Sunday, March 29, 2020

How to Find Algebra Tutors in Jacksonville, Florida

How to Find Algebra Tutors in Jacksonville, FloridaFinding an algebra tutor in Jacksonville, Florida can be difficult. Since the vast majority of all math teachers are college educated and have been teaching for years, the supply of math teachers is not likely to increase anytime soon. When looking for an algebra tutor, it is important to first ask yourself questions to determine whether you would benefit from hiring someone who has no experience with algebra.How good of a student are you in math? Do you have difficulty understanding what your instructor is trying to teach you in class? Do you struggle with time management or focus? Do you have trouble learning algebra? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may be better off starting your search for an algebra tutor by asking yourself how much help you need.You need to determine how much time you need in order to be successful at learning algebra. The time that you need for a tutor to help you learn will vary. Some stude nts need help right away, while others will need to work with their algebra tutor over a longer period of time. Each person has their own individual learning style, so it is important to assess your individual needs before asking someone to help you with algebra.Is it possible for you to study the material on your own? In other words, do you have enough time to devote to your own study? A good rule of thumb when determining your time commitment is this: If you need your math tutor for one hour of a lesson per week, that leaves only one hour for study. Therefore, if you find a math tutor in Jacksonville, Florida that has more than one hour of assistance, you should seriously consider scheduling another appointment with that tutor. One hour of time spent working on your own in a one-on-one setting will give you the best chance to understand how algebra works and therefore help you succeed.There are many factors that can affect the time that you spend studying, including the tutoring s chedule of the algebra tutor. If you are very busy and do not have the luxury of time to study, you should seriously consider scheduling an algebra tutor in Jacksonville, Florida to help you succeed. Tutors who have an accelerated schedule are also less likely to waste your time with useless information.Another important factor to consider when scheduling an algebra tutor in Jacksonville, Florida is the experience of the tutor. Experienced math tutors will have a better understanding of how algebra works and have a better grasp of what students need to know. Furthermore, math tutors who have years of experience are generally more knowledgeable about algebra and therefore more effective at helping their students with algebra. This is because they have spent a great deal of time understanding what they are teaching. Finally, a math tutor who has more experience will have the time to help his or her students.It is essential to choose a tutor based on how well the tutor fits your needs. If you want someone who can help you but does not know how to teach algebra or how to help you with your homework, then you should definitely not be seeking a tutor in Jacksonville, Florida. You should instead make an appointment with someone who knows how to teach you and who can give you the help you need. If you choose someone who cannot effectively communicate with you and who cannot help you with algebra or workbooks, then it is best to choose someone else.Your final decision about who you hire as an algebra tutor in Jacksonville, Florida is ultimately up to you. You will be better off choosing someone who fits your needs the best than choosing someone who does not.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Teaching English in China Hangzhou City Guide

Teaching English in China Hangzhou City Guide At Teach Away, we’ve been all abuzz about China as the place to be when it comes to teaching English abroad this year. That’s why we’re excited to get the ball rolling on the third (and final) installment of our blog series on living in China.And it just so happens that we’ve saved the best city for last - Hangzhou! Read on to find out how can get around the city, where you can find great food, bargain-heavy shopping, beautiful scenery, fun nightlife and much more. Living in Hangzhou Interested inteaching English in China? Hangzhou could be just the spot for you. Located on China’s east coast, Hangzhou offers expats all the conveniences of a large, modern city, but at a slightly slower pace than Shanghai or Beijing. Well-known for its picturesque West Lake, Hangzhou has lots of natural beauty and a great mix of traditional and Western culture. Climate Hangzhou has a generally warm and mild climate, with four distinct seasons and two rainy periods. Although considered mild, average temperatures in the area can get up to 86 (34 degrees Celsius) degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, and down to 37 degrees (2 degree Celsius) in the winter, so it’s best to bring both winter and summer clothes! As well, make sure to invest in some quality rain gear if you plan on moving to Hangzhou, as there are two rainy seasons in both June and September. Transport Trains. Hangzhou has three railway stations throughout the city, with high-speed trains connecting the city to nearby Shanghai, Ningbo, and Changsha. The East Railway Station, located in the Jianggan District, is the largest high-speed train center in eastern China! Buses. One of the most popular forms of public transportation in Hangzhou, bus routes operate throughout downtown and run almost 24/7 - making transportation accessible at almost any time of the day. Most city-buses will cost you about ¥1-3 ($0.15 - $0.45 USD), or less if you have a Transportation Smart Card. Extra tip - Hangzhou city buses only accept exact fares, so be sure to carry some extra change on you at all times! In addition to city lines, suburban and tourist bus lines also run if you want to visit anywhere outside of downtown, or want to explore some of Hangzhou’s famous landmarks! Taxis. Taking a taxi is a quick and convenient way to get around Hangzhou, but there are also some important things to consider if you are planning to take a cab. Be sure that you only take “official” taxis and ask to be charged by the meter to ensure that you will not be overcharged. Taxis are easy to find and flag down anywhere in the city, but ensure you are only using licensed cars and drivers! Flag-down fare for first 2 miles (3 km) ¥11 ($1.65 USD) For the following 2.5-6 miles (4 - 10 km) ¥2.50 per 0.6 miles (1 km) ($0.37 USD) Distances over 6 miles (10 km) ¥3.75 per 0.6 mile (1 km) ($0.56 USD) Waiting fee ¥2.50 for every 4 minutes ($0.37 USD) Food Sign up to Teach Away today for access to the latest teaching jobs around the world. Hangzhou has a prevalent local cuisine, as well as influences from many other areas of China and Western culture. It’s a city where you can not only try traditional food, but also get the comforts of home and try modern twists on ancient Chinese dishes! When living in Hangzhou, traditional dishes such as West Lake Fish in vinegar gravy, Braised Dong Po Pork and fried shrimp with Longjing tea leaves have been passed down for centuries and are a must-try! Hangzhou also has a thriving “snack” scene and is a great way to experience authentic Hangzhou cuisine. Commonly eaten at breakfast, popular local snacks are noodles with seafood, fried bread, and endless others! To fully immerse yourself in the culture, take some time to stroll down the snack streets like He Fang Jie (Qing He Fang) to sample local street food. Basic dinner for two at local restaurant ¥154 ($23.09 USD) Dinner for two at an upscale expat restaurant ¥406 ($60.88 USD) Cappuccino ¥31 ($4.65 USD) Milk (1 liter) ¥17 ($2.55 USD) 1 dozen eggs ¥13 ($1.95 USD) Leisure Entertainment Hangzhou offers expats many options of things to do and explore during weekends and off-hours! During the day, make sure you make time to walk through one of the many shopping areas in the city, especially Silk City - the biggest silk market in China. In addition to traditional markets, Hangzhou also has a number of shopping malls with many popular Western stores. Tea houses are a popular place to relax, talk with friends, and sip on famous Longjing tea. Many of the most well-known tea houses are located along the shores of the West Lake and provide great views of surrounding scenery. Hangzhou boasts a vibrant nightlife entertainment scene, with lots of options for a late night out or drinks with friends after work. Shuguang Lu is a popular area to find bars and nightclubs, as well as mingle with locals. If hanging out at a bar or club doesn’t really feel like your scene, downtown Hangzhou also has a number of theaters to catch live shows and music or spend the night on a cruise around the West Lake. Fitness club/gym (monthly) $332 ($49.78 USD) Movie ticket (single) ¥81.50 ($12.22 USD) 1 drink at a downtown club/bar ¥43 ($6.45 USD) 2 tickets to the theater ¥267 ($40 USD) Monthly Rent Like many other cities in China, the cost of living in Hangzhou will be much more affordable than most Western, native English speaking countries. Still be aware though that rent is still more expensive if you are living in downtown Hangzhou rather than in the suburbs! One bedroom apartment (in the downtown area) ¥5,556 ($833.15 USD) One bedroom apartment (outside of downtown area) ¥3,717 ($557.38 USD) Internet (monthly) ¥140 ($21 USD) Missed our earlier blogs on living in China? Check back to read our deep-dives into life in Tianjin and Nanjing!

3 Reasons Why Good Students Get Bad English Grades

3 Reasons Why Good Students Get Bad English Grades In my experience as an English tutor, I find that it is not only students who struggle with English that can get poor grades. Good students can also get bad grades in papers and exams. Here are three reasons why. 1. They over-prepare.When you have been assigned a paper thorough research is important. But there is such a thing as too much research. I have had students who had to write papers on Shakespeare plays who knew the plays backwards and forwards. They were also experts on scholarly interpretation of the plays. However, with so much research they lost sight of the key points they wanted to make in their papers and in their exams. As a result, they produced poorly structured essays which had too many ideas that were not properly developed. The best essays might have only three to five ideas that are well developed. 2. They do not do enough timed exam practice.Revision is not only about reviewing your notes and re-reading set texts. A core component must be timed exam practice. I have yet to see a student that consistently does well in timed assessments that has not practiced questions under timed conditions. This is essential for two reasons. Students must learn to read and understand a question quickly. They must also learn to manage time in exams. They should leave enough time to create a writing plan and write a conclusion. Those who do not leave time to plan rarely produce as essays of the same quality as those students that do. Those who do not conclude their essays give the marker the impression of an unfinished piece of work. Both situations should be avoided. Time management in exams is vital for getting high grades. Students who do not manage their time carefully in exams often lose easy marks. I once had a student who lost 30% on his English Literature exam because he did not answer a third question, only completing two out of three. Unfortunately, the third question was one he could have answered well. 3. They read too quickly.While slow readers often struggle with text comprehension, I have found that good readers sometimes also perform poorly in reading comprehension. This is because with their faster reading pace they start breezing through a text without clarifying the purpose of their reading. There is a balance between speed and clarity of purpose. Students need to consciously ask themselves what it is that they want to learn from the text. This encourages targeted reading which often leads to higher scores on reading compression tests.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Using Tutoring Online

Using Tutoring OnlineIn Orange County, CA we have several private tutoring companies that offer online tutoring. If you are a first time learner, it is easy to learn when the teacher sits right there beside you. For those who have some prior experience or knowledge of reading and writing, it may take a bit more time to learn a specific topic.In today's economy, most people will use a company that offers tutoring to their employees. Of course, there are many other reasons for the use of tutoring online. Whether it is because the company is a leader in the industry, or because the student has decided it is best for them to complete their education in the comfort of their own home.Tutoring through the internet is a great way to save time and money. When your child has a lot of homework that needs to be done, using the tutoring service can be easier. It is best to set up payment plans if the person who is being tutored has a limited amount of time or money. In Orange County, CA the compa nies make this easy to do by offering flexible payment plans.Online tutoring also offers an added benefit. After your child has completed a lesson, it is helpful to look at their work afterwards to see what they could have improved. Using a company online is easy and simple. At the end of the lesson your child will be able to download their assignments.Online tutoring is a great opportunity for students who have a bad habit of procrastinating. To avoid further disruptions, it is a good idea to review your notes after the lesson to make sure you are on track. After all, you may need the help of a tutor in the future. A good tip is to print out the assignment and put it in a folder, even if you just want to review them.Online tutoring is a great choice for adults, as well. If you have been asked to stop working for a while it is very helpful to use an online tutoring service. The main reason is that an online lesson allows you to work as much or as little as you want. This is importan t if you are still working and wish to continue learning.With the growing trend in the use of online tutoring, it is a great option for both parents and children. Both need extra help and this is a very affordable option. Many of the online tutoring companies have a good reputation and many offer great rates for personal tutoring.

Advantages of Using a Dictate -Integral Organic Chemistry Tutor

Advantages of Using a Dictate -Integral Organic Chemistry TutorIf you're in the process of applying for a new job or perhaps a promotion, it may be helpful to consider using a definite integral organic chemistry tutor. The Internet provides a number of resources that are available for some people. You can find books and other materials that can be used to help you learn the material. The books often can be acquired at a significant discount from some retail locations or from online vendors.The books are generally self-contained and consist of a small set of pictures with graphs and equations that can be utilized. The tools are self-contained but have been converted into equations that you can use. The process involves preparation of problems in which you are expected to think about the formulae.If you are not familiar with the use of certain hand-held devices, the tutor can show you how to use these devices. Some examples of the software that can be used by the tutor include Microsof t's Excel and Lotus Studio, Adobe Elements, Delphi and R Math and The Microsoft System Works to name a few. The tutor can help you learn the concepts and procedures required to produce some of the formulas as well as help you discover the process to eliminate errors.Using a definite integral organic chemistry tutor can benefit your career, as the tutor will be able to provide you with the skills you need to succeed at your new job. In addition, you can use the information to improve your resume or to enhance your overall resume.To become an integral organic chemistry tutor, you will need to acquire a specific certification or degree. One type of degree that will qualify you for employment as a tutor is The School of Organic Chemistry.When seeking employment as an organic chemistry tutor, it is important to have a thorough understanding of the core subjects. Additionally, you will need to provide a good level of performance and effectiveness to meet the needs of the position?To becom e proficient, you will need to perform well in any of the particular job that you seek. If you need to be effective, you will need to have an adequate knowledge of the particular chemical elements and chemicals that are used to make some of the products used in the workplace.

How To Improve Your Med School Application

How To Improve Your Med School Application The list of factors to determine if you will be accepted into a certain medical school can go from your MCAT scores/undergrad GPA all the way down to your hometown. But, the objective factors such as MCATscore, GPA, courses taken, etc., are fairly easy to measure and compare to other students. Other subjective factors like interview score, research/work experience, etc are much more difficult to compare but can still impact your outcome. So, here is what you need to get into the top med schools: GPA: Most med schools want to see at least a 3.5 GPA. Your GPA can be a fairly objective measurement; however, many undergrad schools are known for grade inflation, and med school admissions officers know which ones are. So, a 3.7 at Ohio State University is not necessarily comparable to a 3.7 at Yale University. Curriculum: Most med schools (not just the top schools) require at least one year of the following courses: General biology Physics with lab General chemistry(inorganic chemistry) with lab Organic chemistry with lab Calculus English MCAT: This is the most objective factor in your med school admissions process because every students test is weighted/scored the same, making scores easily comparable. Your MCAT score very well could be the most important factor. Average 2011 MCAT scores for the top 10 med schools, as ranked by the US News World Report: Note: These are not total scores, but rather the average of the three-multiple choice scores. 1. Harvard University: 11.9 2. University of Pennsylvania: 11.6 3. Johns Hopkins University: 11.8 4.Washington University in St. Louis: 12.5 5. Duke University: 11.5 5. Stanford University: 11.6 5. University of CaliforniaSan Francisco: 11.4 5. Yale University: 11.3 9. University of Washington: 10.5 10. Columbia University: 11.8 Top 10 med schools with strictest MCAT requirements 1. Washington University in St. Louis: 12.5 2. Harvard University: 11.9 3.University of CaliforniaLos Angeles: 11.9 4. Columbia University: 11.8 5. Johns Hopkins University: 11.8 6. Brown Medical School: 11.7 7. University of Michigan: 11.7 8. Baylor College of Medicine: 11.6 9. Stanford University: 11.6 10. University of Chicago: 11.6 -MCAT scores according to the Medical and Societal Journal of a Vitreo-Retinal Surgeon. In-state vs Out-of-state: Your chances may be better at in-state schools. Many of the public med schools (including the top schools) are more lenient toward in-state students; however, not all of them are. This leniency is not nearly as strong in private schools as it is in public schools. Research: This would quality as a subjective factor; however, any student can still create a strong research project. Having research to show can only help your chances, but it is optional. Its best to start your research project early and work with a trusted faculty advisor. Be prepared to discuss and defend your findings in a future interview. Learn how talentedMCAT tutorsare able to help you improve your chances of acceptance into a top med school. created a med school admissions calculator. All you have to do is enter your MCAT scores, GPA and primary residence, and it will give you an idea of what schools you will be accepted into in your area. See the med school calculator here.

Lets Learn How to Play the Cittern.

Let’s Learn How to Play the Cittern. What You Need to Know Before Learning to Play the Cittern. ChaptersWhat is the Cittern?Some Famous Cittern Performers.How to Play the Cittern.Where to Find Cittern Lessons.We imagine that the world is split into two types of people: those who have never heard of the cittern, and those who desperately want to get their hands on this musical instrument and get playing.Considering that you have found yourself here, we are guessing that you belong in the second category â€" although you might not put it in those terms. And our project here is to have you fulfil your desire: to get you playing this stringed instrument and taking its music to everyone in that first category.And we’ll admit it. Out of all the musical instruments that you can possibly learn in the world, the cittern is up there with the mandolin or the harpsichord as one of more obscure stringed instruments. It’s not exactly like the modern guitar, is it, or violins, for which you can find lessons and training on pretty much every corner of every street.No, it isn’t. If you wa nt to learn to play the cittern, you have to make a bit more of an effort. You need to find out how to tune it, what notes the strings are supposed to be â€" and then find the correct strumming or plucking technique, and all the pieces in the repertoire that you’ll want to play.You’ll never take for granted how easy it is to learn the guitar ever again.So, here, we’re going to give you all the information that you might need before you sit down and start learning the cittern: a bit of the instrument’s history, some famous citternists you need to know, and some basic techniques.And we’ll finish off by pointing you in the direction of some cittern teachers â€" to make your life a bit easier. Why not learn the cittern? (image from Magills) PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat is the Cittern?If you have read our article on learning to play the mandolin, you may well think that this instrument known as the cittern is really just another of the family of mandolins.In fact, many of its features are very similar: it often has eight strings arranged into four two-string courses â€" although it can often have six courses too â€", it h as a box-shaped body and resonator, and it is strung with metal strings. However, where with a mandolin you use a plectrum, on the cittern you primarily just use your fingers.Meanwhile, whilst mandolins are reasonably widespread as instruments, citterns are not so much. And, importantly, they only come in one shape. There are not all these differences between flat-backed and bowl-shaped citterns that you find in mandolins. Citterns are flat-backed â€" making them easier and cheaper to make.However, the primary difference between the cittern and the mandolin is in their history. They are two distinct instruments with two distinct trajectories. But, given their history â€" and the fact that the cittern is a primarily historical instrument â€" all of these terms tend to become a little confused.And so, despite the cittern’s history, it can often be very similar â€" and often confused â€" with a mandolin, a mandola, or even a bouzouki.A Brief History of the Cittern.The cittern comes f rom the family of lutes and it was popular across Europe in the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. It is generally thought to have developed from the earlier instrument, the citole, which is considered to be the ancestor of the modern-day fiddle.Whilst most string instruments during the Renaissance used gut strings, the cittern made use of metal, which were placed over a fretted neck and what is known as a ‘pear-shaped body’ â€" as opposed to the contemporary guitar’s double-shouldered shape.Just as the guitar is now, the cittern was a popular instrument, with popular in the sense of it being an instrument of the people rather than, say, of the aristocracy. There are even references to citterns being in barber shop waiting rooms, so that people could play as they waited.However, by the end of the eighteenth century, the guitar had started to push the cittern aside, in terms of popularity and distribution. Apart from in Germany and Switzerland, where citterns were still bei ng commonly made and played, they generally stopped being used across Europe.Stefan Sobell, an English luthier, has, since the seventies, been making instruments that he calls ‘citterns’. This is essentially an octave mandolin but with five courses â€" again suggesting that the distinction between the mandolin and the cittern is not so rigid.Check out how to learn the ukulele too! 'The Duel', by Cornelis Saftleven - featuring the citternSome Famous Cittern Performers.Well, okay, maybe ‘famous’ is pushing it a little; as in the world of the lute and other string instruments, no-one is exactly famous in the world of the cittern.However, it is good to know that there are some citternists out there from whom you can draw some inspiration. Because that, really, is what folk music is all about: listening to other composers and players of traditional music and developing it in a way that suits your taste.So, let’s look at two citternists who can show you a bit about how this instrument is played. And yes, whilst famous is a push, these guys may well be considered rockstars in the world of the cittern.Ale Carr.Let’s start with Ale Carr, the cittern player with the Denmark-based band Dreamers’ Circus. These guys play awesome classical-inspired folk music, combining Carr’s cittern and a fiddle.Carr shows you what contemporary cittern-playing can be â€" and t he tunes he plays on his five-course (ten-string) cittern are really incredible.You can find some solo performances on YouTube. Otherwise, you can find him on the folk circuit across Europe and beyond.Gregory Doc Rossi.Meanwhile, Gregory Doc Rossi is something of the boss of traditional cittern music. As something of a specialist in the cittern, he has established the Cittern Society â€" an organisation that promotes cittern music â€" he has given lectures and research on the history of the cittern, and he has recorded music from forgotten manuscripts of scores for cittern.Regarded as something of an expert of the cittern, he performs all over the world on this string instrument.How to Play the Cittern.The cittern is traditionally plucked with the fingers â€" as opposed to the mandolin, for which a plectrum or a quill was traditionally used.However, these days, it is common to use a plectrum â€" as both Rossi and Carr do.Whilst anyone with knowledge of the classical or acoustic guit ar would be able to play a cittern, the primary â€" and not insubstantial â€" difference is in the cittern’s courses. This means that with every note that you fret, you are required to actually fret two strings simultaneously. Whilst this is a bit tough on the fingers at first, you will soon get used to it.On the other end of the instrument, however, you have to be able to pluck both strings simultaneously too. This is why the plectrum has become a bit more popular than fingerpicking on the cittern.Whilst picking, it is crucial that you engage both of the strings, otherwise your tone will be affected. If only one string sounds, you won’t get as much volume or as much depth of tone. Learn all of these amazing string instruments.How to Tune a Cittern?As citterns are traditional instruments, there is no single standard tuning that is used. Rather, there are as many as is convenient for you.We get that this does not provide a huge amount of guidance! However, many citternists use one of the following tunings:CGDADDGDADDADADIf you have a four-course cittern, traditional tunings areBGDEAGDEWhere to Find Cittern Lessons.A good teacher is always a gift when you are starting out on a new instrument. And even if you are a guitarist with a good technique nailed, teachers can be useful for all sorts of other things too: for providing you with repertoire or inspiration, general advice, or jamming practice.And whilst there is not a whole load of cittern tutors out there, there are some. Let’s take a look.Find a Private Cittern Tutor on Superprof.One way to find someone to help you to learn the cittern would be through Superprof, a platform that connects students to tutors worldwide.We have hundreds of different tutors of the mandolin, the lute, the cittern, and a whole raft of other string instruments across the world.All you need to do is get in touch. So, search for a cittern tutor near you and get started!Online Resources.You can find plenty of resources to help you in your quest to master the cittern online too. From YouTube to music forums, there are so many people out there who can talk you through the basics.Check out how to learn the banjo too!